About LoneUX

We’re a deliberately small digital product design studio based in San Francisco, Oakland, and Seattle, and we believe that the best product experiences come from deep collaboration at every stage.

Product Design

We’ll create or evolve your native or responsive web product experience and work collaboratively with your engineering partners to build it.

Visual Language Design

We’ll create or evolve your digital product’s Visual Language across touchpoints and work collaboratively with your engineering partners to implement it.

Design Systems

We’ll create or evolve your Design System with Tokens, Components, Patterns, Guidelines, and UI Kits, while supporting implementation. Then we’ll apply that system to a Pilot Product and refine it with real world constraints.

Product Strategy

We’ll create product Concepts collaboratively to help define your product and audience through our design process.

Brand & Identity Systems

We believe your product experience is your brand. We’ll elevate your brand identity through a product-first approach.

Design Systems

A set of tokens, components, patterns, and guidelines used to quickly and consistency make your digital products. It can also improve cost efficiency and improve the product experience through consistency and familiarity.

Pilot Product

The first product built with the design system using real world constraints, acting as a proof of concept for the design system.


Part of a design system. Foundational elements, often derived from brand guidelines like color, typography, and spacing units, stored for use in different applications.


Part of a design system. A re-usable designed (and/or engineered) piece of an interface and its different states. We’ll design and build UI Kits and support your engineering partners in building a coded component library.


Part of a design system. A re-usable designed (and/or engineered) interface flow, like common actions, dialogs, or notifications. We’ll design / prototype and support your engineering partners.


Part of a design system. Rules and suggestions for how to use tokens, components, and patterns in your products, like color usage, dos and don’ts, design principles, and accessibility practices.

UI Kits

Part of a design system. Designed Tokens, Components, and Patterns used by designers to create UI mockups, often times using Figma Design Systems, Sketch Libraries or Adobe XD design system features.

Visual Language

A system of static and animated visual elements, applied to your product.


A point of view for a product or experience that can be inherited across a products visual language. Usually delivered as multiple aesthetic, animated, or interactive illustrations and principles to help guide decision making.

Our Process is Partnership

We believe design is a journey of discovery and collaboration. If you’re bargain hunting or looking for production work, it might not be the right time to bring us on board.

But if you want more out of your product experience — and want outside perspectives that challenge conventional thinking and established process — we’d love to hear from you.
